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Top 100* Mathematical Websites

This is a list of places on the web that I like and have personally found useful.
It is frequently added to (about once a week), *currently with 146 entries.
Last year, to aid navigation, I reorganised the list into categories.
I'm always open to suggestions of websites that should be added.
Send recommendations to me via the contact page.
Last updated : 5th November 2024

Famous Mathematicians
01. Award winning website from St Andrews University, Scotland
      Biographies of around 3000 mathematicians
Art of a Mathematical Nature
02. Lovely video of Islamic Geometric Artist: Samira Mian
      Plus a gallery of her work
03. Islamic Geometric Art from Hasrat Brown
04. Number Wonder's very own Art Gallery
05. Easy online turtle graphics geometric art programming in Scratch
06. Classic Resource: The Geometry Junkyard
Puzzles and Problems
07. Jaap Scherphuis' online curious and interesting maths knowledge
08. If Polyominoes are your thing
09. American Puzzle Superstore: GamePuzzles
      A truly amazing product range of stuff no one else sells
10. The famous puzzles website Cut the Knot
      plus some background on its creator, the late Alexander Bogomolny
11. Lots of fascinating pop-maths at Mathematical Tinkering
12. Fourteen years worth of Christmas Maths Puzzles
      from the late (and definitely great) Mark Chadwick
13. IMO: International Mathematical Olympiad Book List
14. Wikipedia's dynamic list of unsolved problems in mathematics
15. Great Numberphile Video featuring Neil Sloane's Toothpick Patterns
16. The oldest school maths competition in the UK (papers free to download)
For All Things Fibonacci
17. Dr Ron Knott's Golden Ratio website
Online Maths Magazines
18. Quanta (Mathematics)
19. The Aperiodic
20. The M500 Mathematics Society of The Open University 
      Informal, open to all, Undergraduate Level, old issues (up to 2021) online
21. The Mathematical Medley magazine for Schools and Colleges
      Produced by Signapore University with old issues (1973-2014) online
GCSE, A-Level and Further A-Level Teaching and Learning
22. Number Wonder's Resources for Year 9, GCSE, A-Level Pure, A-Level Statistics, A-Level Mechanics
23. Underground Mathematics A lovely presentation of A-Level topics; lots to explore
24. Corbett Maths Superb teaching materials, especially for lower ability pupils
25. Revision Maths Handy source of past GCSE papers, but lots more too.
26. Tutor Chase Handy source of past A-Level papers, but lots more too.
27. Madas Maths Great teaching resources by the late Trifon Madas 
28. Exam Solutions : Excellent GCSE, A-Level and Further A-Level Resources
29. Save My Exams : Source of A-Level, GCSE and IGCSE Revision Notes, Examples and Exercises 
30. OCR A-Level Further Maths Past Papers
31. A-Level Maths Revision from Maths Made Easy
32. Paul's Online Notes on Calculus and Differential Equations
      (Paul Dawkins teaches at Lanmar University, Texas) 
33. Differential equation slope field plotter using GeoGebra
34. Dr. R. L. Herman's A First Course in Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
      (An online book published in 2018 packed full of useful material)
35. 2nd Order differential equations + more from Whitman College
36. Maths videos galore from Wrath of Math (YouTube)
37. Math Bits Notebook : American High School Math
38. Maths for Engineering (JEE) Past Papers + Solutions
Software (free) to Plot Graphs and Transformations
39. Interactive online duel bar graph from your data
      (I use this with Year 10 GCSE pupils; fun activity)
40. Excellent visualisation applet to show 3 x 3 matrix transformations
41. Online 3D graph plotter : Show three planes in a sheaf, prism or meeting at a point
42. Another useful 3D graph plotter : Good for getting a good perspective on a single surface
43. Wolfram Alpha : Free online mathematics computations
    Example of a Parametric Plot
    Example of a Polar Plot
    Example of finding asymptotes
44. French website; Encyclopedia of (graphs) curves
   (Use google translate to read it in English, if necessary)
45. Fractal Online Tools with Cantor Dust, as a 'getting started' example.
46. Fractal Grower by Joel Castellanos
    Software to plot fractals.
47. Fractals listed by Hausdorff dimension from Wikipedia
General Resources (University Level)
48. Several useful algorithms discussed at Mosi's Maths
     (Such as solving a cubic)
49. Robin Chapman's Home Page : Treasure trove of maths resources and undergraduate teaching
50. Gresham College Online Mathematics Lectures
51. Math Stack Exchange : Ask, answer and explore university undergraduate level problems in mathematics
52. Online free access to the London Mathematical Society Newsletters
53. Journal of Mathematics and the Arts : Many Open Access articles
54. Maths, physics and philosophy blog: The n-Category Cafe
55. Oxford University Maths news, club, case studies etc  
56. Mathematics Blog Never Ending Books
57. A group blog on the smallest field F un Mathematics
58. The Riemann Hypothesis Explained : Lovely tour of key steps leading to Riemann's famous Hypothesis
59. Employment opportunities mostly in University Mathematics Departments (worldwide) 
Combinatorics (University Level)
60. Online textbook:
     Discrete Mathematics An Open Introduction by Oscar Levin
Matrices (University Level)
61. The Number Wonder Undergraduate Lectures (First Year)
     Matrix Transformations
     Matrix Systems of Equations
     Matrix Algebra
62. Invariant lines for a 2x2 matrix using GeoGebra
63. Online calculator of Matrix Characteristic Polynomials
64. Online calculator of Eigenvectors
      (Also rank, diagonalization, Schur decomposition, Jordan normal form...)
65. Online matrix manipulations from Wolfram Alpha
66. Online Textbook: Interactive Linear Algebra
67. Solutions to the textbook Linear Algebra Done Right
Graph Theory (University Level)
68. The Number Wonder Undergraduate Lectures (Third Year)
     Graph Theory I
69. Online textbook:
      An Introduction to Algebraic Graph Theory by Cesar Aguilar
70. Online manipulation: Polyhedral viewer
71. Paper models: Polyhedral nets as PDFs
72. An accessible proof of Euler's polyhedral formula
73. Online database of small simple graphs
74. Information System on Graph Classes and their Inclusions 
75. New website for Graph Theorists House of Graphs
76. Some Graph Catalogues
77. Tables of found Regular Graphs (Markus Meringer)
78. A repository of Combinatorial Data including many graphs
79. Mathematical algorithms with code: Baeldung on CS
      For example, Induced Subgraphs
80. Gordon Royal's talk on Real Chromatic Roots of Graphs
81. Graph Theory Teaching Notes (2011) from Prof Ilesanmi Adeboye
      (He's now (2023) at Wesleyan University, Connecticut USA)
Group Theory (University Level)
82. The Number Wonder Undergraduate Lectures (First Year)
     Group Theory I
     Group Theory II 
83. Group, Ring, Field, Galois and Module Theory
      plus Linear Algebra Problems in Mathematics
84. Group Explorer Free online Software for teaching and learning Group Theory
      Group Explorer User Guide
Elliptic Curves (University Level)
85. Teaching Resources for Andrew Sutherlands course at MIT, USA
86. A database of 3,824,372 Elliptic Curves and counting
Aperiodic Tilings and Symbolic Dynamics (University Level)
87. Bielefeld University's Tilings Encyclopedia
      Especially the Ammann Beenker tiling
88. Widget for exploring Aperiodic Cut and Project
89. Applet for exploring Aperiodic Cut and Project
90. Jarkko Kari's undergraduate course on Tilings and Patterns
91. Online Tilings Encyclopedia
92. A large collection of Maths Counterexamples
93. A series of YouTube videos on Ramsey Theory by Kaj Hansen
94. David Darling's website on Aperiodic Tilings
     Plus his YouTube video on the subject
95. Fun tessellations with Wang Tiles
96. YouTube The Mathematics of Lattices
97. Combinatorics on words seminar
98. The Gap System for Computational Discrete Algebra: Home Page
99. Birmingham University's Topology and Dynamics Seminars
100. Professor Donu Arapura's home page, Perdue University, Indiana, USA
     (Algebraic Geometry, eg Elliptic Curves in a nutshell)
Real Analysis (University Level)
101. Teaching Resources for Claude Warnick's course at Cambridge University, UK
Number Theory (University Level)
102. Chris Caldwell's Prime Pages
103. The Mersenne number sequence A000043 on OEIS
104. Wolfram World on Mersenne numbers
105. Susan Stepney (York) a few facts on Mersenne primes
106. Mersenne Numbers factor table (Planet Maths)
107. Code to factor Mersenne primes (Rosetta Code)
Analytic Number Theory (University Level)
108. Teaching Resources for Noam D. Elkies' course at Harvard University, USA
Websites and Blogs by Mathematicians
109. Jeremy Kun, software engineer at Google
110. AT Professor Evan Dummit's resources, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusett, USA
     (Elliptic Curves, eg Integral Points on Elliptic Curves)
111. The Blog Climbing Mount Bourbaki, by Akhil Mathew at Harvard
112. Website of Professor Harold P. Boas who gained his PhD in 1980 from MIT
113. Lovely maths blog from Tanya Khovanova's at MIT
114. Homepage of Chris Eppolito Dr Chris Eppololito who gained his PhD in 2022
115. Homepage of French mathematician Emeritus Professor Jean Berstel (University of Paris-Est)
116. Homepage of German mathematician Dr Dirk Frettloh (University of Bielefeld)
117. Kennesaw mathematician Prof Misha Lavrov (Graph Theorist)
     Often active on Math Stack Exchange
118. Warwick mathematician Dr Martin Winter (Graph Theorist)
119. Website of Professor Nicholas J. Higham
      (Applied Mathematics, Numerical Linear Algebra and Software)
120. Homepage of Prof Geon Ho Choe
      (News of his 2022 Korean Mathematical Society Education Award)
121. Blog of Professor Attila Egri-Nagy
      (University profile Professor Attila Egri-Nagy)
122. Blog of Professor Timothy Gowers
      (Wikipedia on Professor Timothy Gowers)
123. Blog of Professor Terry Tao
      (Wikipedia on Professor Terry Tao)
124. Blog of Professor Greta Panova
      (Wikipedia on Professor Greta Panova)
125. Timo Jolivet's Research Page
126. Homepage of Prof Steven J. Miller
127. Homepage of Prof Narad Rampersad
128. Homepage of Prof Lieven le Bruyn
129. Website of Prof Jeffrey O. Shallit
      Plus a directory of his talks
130. Homepage of (the late) Professor Uwe Grimm of the Open University
131. Homepage of Dr John Magorrian (Oxford, UK)
132. Home page of Dr Dainis Zeps (Latvian University)
      especially his index of web pages
133. Home page of Professor Emeritus William G Faris (University of Arizona)
134. Homepage of Prof Vadim Ponomarenko (University of San Diago)
      (His Mathematical Gazette articles are included)
135. Minimalist homepage of Prof Chris Smyth (The University of Edinburgh)
      (Lots on Salem Numbers and Pisot Numbers)
136. Homepage of Prof James McKee (Royal Holloway University of London)
      (Lots on Salem Numbers and Pisot Numbers)
137. Homepage of Prof Howard E Haber (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)
      (A Physicist !)
138. Homepage of Prof Lenya Ryzhik (Stanford University)
      Lots of lecture notes
139. Homepage of Dr Felix Flicker (University of Cardiff)
      Physicist with aperiodic leanings
140. Homepage of Dr Dan Rust (The Open University)
      For all things Aperiodic
141. Homepage of Dr. Veselin Jungic (Rice University)
      Author of Basics of Ramsey Theory
142. Homepage of Prof Anthony Várilly-Alvarado (Rice University)
      For all things on Surfaces
143. Homepage of Prof Jörn Dunkel (MIT)
      Lecture Notes on Complex Analysis, for example
144. Homepage of Prof Tony Samuel (University of Birmingham)
      List of publications, courses taught...
145. Homepage of Dr Yotam Smilansky (University of Manchester)
      List of publications, courses taught...
146. Homepage of Prof Alan Haynes (University of Houston)
      Great notes on Aperiodic Cut and Project

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