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Craig Kaplan
  Both photographs by Martin Hansen

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Professor Craig Kaplan

~ Aperiodic monotiles: new shapes just dropped ~

The first three HatFest lectures from Natalie Frank, Sir Roger Penrose and Marjorie Senechal, provided a comprehensive background understanding of the mathematical landscape prior to the discovery of the Hat. The fourth presentation was a detailed account of the delight and joy of mathematical discovery from one of the researchers involved, Craig Kaplan. He conveyed entertainingly how events progressed after David Smith reached out with his tentative discovery. The humour was conveyed marvellously via email snippets of the ideas being bounced back and forth, as the team working the problem expanded to include Chaim Goodman-Strauss and Joseph Myers. In January 2024, Craig penned a summary article for Scientific American. The talk itself is also available. After his talk, Craig, very sportingly, posed for my camera wearing a Hat hat and a Hat handbag.
