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 Francisco Arana-Herrara
  Photograph by Martin Hansen

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Dr Francisco Arana-Herrara

~ Ergodic Theory of Rational Billiards ~

Francisco Arana-Herrara took, as the starting point for his talk, the classic problem of a billiards ball bouncing around a table. This is one of those seemingly simple to initially understand problems that has ever increasing amounts of subtlety attached to it. The talk had some historical elements with key results highlighted in chronological order along with the mathematicians who made them. One has to travel a long way to get to the cutting edge of this topic. Increasingly, it is the statistical properties that are being analysed in order to advance understanding. Concepts such as the degree of mixing need to be grasped. Francisco is teaming up with Jon Chaika and Giovanni Forni in an attempt to build upon their 2020 paper, Weakly Mixing Polygonal Billiards.
