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Aperiodic or not ?
  Photograph by Martin Hansen

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Aperiodic or not ?

~ An Intriguing Exhibit ~

The photograph is of a box framed exhibit where the lines are raised ridges made of paper that peak about 5 mm above the plane. Beautifully coloured to enhance the structure, I spent time staring at this. There is clearly pattern but is it aperiodic ? The central eight-arc 'star' is nowhere else which suggests it is not, or at least that bit has been tampered with. Taking that as the origin the positive x axis is not a reflection of the negative, nor is the positive y axis a reflection of its negative. Similarly on the y = ± x diagonals. This convinced me there is no rotational symmetry which adds to the visual richness, and rewards a close examination. I like the variety of the component parts; no aspiration to use only a single monotile here. But is it aperiodic ? What do you think ?
