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Latham Boyle
  Photograph by Martin Hansen

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Dr Latham Boyle

~ The Penrose Tiling is a Quantum Error-Correcting Code ~

The last lecture of the day was open to the public. I returned from a coffee break to find the lecture hall crowded. Latham Boyle talked us through an intriguingly unlikely connection between Penrose tilings and quantum computers. At times speculative, the talk was grounded by some firm and attractive mathematics on the nature of Penrose tilings. The quantum aspect to me was fun 'spice' on top. I enjoyed the fact that big ideas were being considered, whilst at the back of my mind wondering how the technicalities, the physics, could be realised. Since the talk I've read a fascinating article in Quanta magazine on how Latham and co-author Zhi Li deduced their ideas, and taken a look at their paper with the same title as the talk. It'll be interesting to see where these ideas go next.
